You were called to coaching.
You were called
to coaching.
But now, you’re ready to build your practice and dive deeper into your calling.
But now, you’re ready
to build your practice
and dive deeper
into your calling.
If you’re ready to shine and thrive as a coach and as an entrepreneur, you’re in the right place.
If you’re ready
to shine and thrive
as a coach and as an
entrepreneur, you’re in
the right place.
Are you ready to…
- Build a thriving coaching practice and create ripples of impact?
- Discover your unique voice and value as a coach?
- Know with confidence who you serve and how you help them?
- Attract and enroll ideal clients aligned with your essence?
- Clearly communicate the value and tangible results you create?
- Set pricing based on the value you create instead of your time?
- Focus your practice on what you’re truly passionate about?
- Embody a more powerful and energetically aligned version of yourself?
- Deepen your client impact and commitment to coaching?
- Build a community that resonates with your mission and message?
- Connect and grow with like-minded coaches?
A Journey to the Heart of Your Practice
The Practice Within is a six-month, group-based journey that builds your business from within.
Quest 1
Your Essence
Landmark 1
Find Your North Star
- Connect with the essence of your mission and calling
- Awaken and embody your unique voice as a coach
- Uncover the unique value that sets you apart
- Discover your state of flow and natural path to success
Landmark 2
Paint Your Vision
- Craft a vision for your ideal coaching practice and life
- Define the impact you want to create as the coach you aspire to be
- Design a business model empowering your lifestyle goals
- Embody the energy and ways of being needed to create your vision
Quest 2
Your Practice
Landmark 3
Find Your Ideal Client
- Discover the ideal client aligned to your essence and calling
- Reveal the golden thread connecting your journey to theirs
- Uncover their challenges and the support they need
- Map the transformation guiding them to their dreams
Landmark 4
Activate Your Value
- Create your signature process tailored to your ideal client
- Define tangible outcomes and value created at each step
- Design your client journey from engagement to transformation
- Set pricing based on the value you create – not your time
Quest 3
Your Impact
Landmark 5
Shine Your Light
- Turn your ideal client’s dreams into resonant messaging
- Create messaging in your unique voice and style
- Craft your origin story to inspire and resonate with ideal clients
- Learn to create and enroll clients in a way you enjoy
Landmark 6
Step Into Your Power
- Cultivate a powerful presence and embody your true potential
- Activate the formula of abundance in your life and practice
- Create rhythms and routines for flow and accountability
- Embrace self-leadership and take bold inspired action
Teaching &
1:1 Coaching Optional
Support &
Tools &
Discussion &
This is for you if…
You’re ready to build your practice and dive deeper into your calling.
You’re willing to be vulnerable, show up authentically, and play full-out.
This isn’t for you if…
You’re not willing to put in the time and energy required for growth.
You’re looking for quick fixes without the depth of true transformation.
This is for you if…
You’re ready to build your practice and dive deeper into your calling.
You’re willing to be vulnerable, show up authentically, and play full-out.
This isn’t for you if…
You’re not willing to put in the
time and energy required for growth.
You’re looking for quick fixes without the depth of true transformation.
Are you ready to journey to the
heart of your practice?
Are you ready to
journey to the
the heart of
your practice?
Journeys begin with a single step.
Let’s connect.
Journeys begin
with a single step.
Let’s connect.
©2024 Justin Clapp Advisors FZE
Privacy Policy
It all began on a cold February night in Massachusetts.
I was blessed to be born to amazing, deeply loving parents. My father hardworking and giving. My mother compassionate and caring. I was an only child. The first, and the last.
I was creative. I loved making things and playing make-believe. I loved writing and design. I loved to dream. To pretend I was in far-off lands halfway around the world, from times long ago.
I was sensitive and quiet. My eyes told the story of my soul. Empathetic by nature and compassionate to the core. I had a gift to share with the world.
I was born an old soul. Wise beyond my years. I preferred the company of elders and the deep conversations we would have.
I preferred to chart my own course and follow my own interests. I often felt as if I was from somewhere else. I often felt out of place, out of time, out of context.
With each passing year, as I grew into an adult, my essence slowly fell asleep…
Chasing Success
I always had a deep inner drive to succeed. I earned an MBA in global business by the age of 24. I completed my studies in design at RISD by the age of 27.
I started my own design firm at the height of the 2008 financial crisis. Everyone told me to find a job. To do what was safe. To seek security and consistency.
But those words went against everything I believed. Against the very fiber of my being.
The next decade brought far more success than I ever imagined. My business was thriving. I was earning more than I dreamed of making.
I was working with notable clients around the world. My name became synonymous with good design and success.
Yet under the hard-driven surface, my essence was yearning to shine through. I was seeking freedom, exploration, and discovery. I wanted to go my own way, to chart my own course.
Lonely Nights
From the outside, I was the picture of success. I was living in luxury buildings, driving beautiful cars, shopping in designer boutiques, and collecting original art.
Yet deep within, I was unhappy. I would wake up every day with a feeling of existential dread. A sinking feeling in my heart. A void in my soul. A sense of sorrow. A sense of betrayal.
I felt I was living someone else’s life.
My days were all the same. Working away from dawn to night on projects that didn’t bring me any joy. Work for which I had lost my passion long ago.
Deep in the night, I would wonder. Is this all there is? Where does it end? How can this possibly go on forever? What else could I possibly do? Where do I turn? Can I even begin again?
I knew something had to change. I knew deep in my soul I was meant to be doing something else. Something deeper. Something of far greater meaning and profound impact for myself and others.
My essence buried within had been ignored for too long. It was finally breaking its way out. It wanted to be heard. It wanted to be free.
In my darkest hours, I was questioning everything.
My career. My purpose. What I was truly passionate about.
I was questioning the very foundation I built my life on. I was questioning the thriving business I had created and built from the ground up.
I knew deep within it was time to let the façade fall. It was time to remove the mask I was always wearing. It was time to let my essence break free.
And when the student is ready, the teacher appears. And it was on a warm summer day when my first coach appeared.
With a message of light and abundance. A message of creative free spirit. A message that was my call to awakening.
So, the journey began. The journey to my essence. To my soul’s truth. The journey to my North Star.
A journey on which I would learn so much…
I learned I had lost touch with who I truly was.
I learned I had been living my life behind an exquisitely crafted mask.
I learned I had let the essence of my inner child fall asleep.
I learned to let go of what no longer served me.
I learned to tame the voice of my inner critic.
I learned to connect with the wisdom of my higher self.
I learned to follow the callings of my soul, rather than the wishes of others.
I learned to awaken and activate the creator within.
I learned to step into my power.
I learned I am a spiritual being having a human experience.
I learned I am a teacher.
I learned I am a guide.
And above all, I learned I was being called to help others like myself.
Becoming a coach was one of the most profound callings I have ever had.
I have studied with the greatest and been certified by some of the best.
But my most profound and transformative lessons have come from my own journey of self-discovery and reinvention. A journey of returning to my essence and discovering my soul’s truth.
We are always best positioned to help who we once were. And it is my purpose to help others like I once was. To help them awaken to their essence and soul’s truth.
To help them create a soul-aligned life of deep fulfillment and passion. To guide them to make sense of their innermost calling, and bring clarity, focus, and intention to their path forward.
I believe each of us has the power to create a life of freedom, abundance, and adventure. A life driven by our dreams, aligned with our deepest values, in service to our highest calling.
So, are YOU ready for the journey? Let’s discover your North Star.

Justin Clapp MBA, CLC
I coach leaders—and teach coaches—to create deeper fulfillment, more freedom, and purposeful impact in life and business. It’s my mission to create ripples of light, love, and abundance in the world.
I live a location-independent lifestyle, and split my time between homes in Dubai and Boston. I am passionate about exploring far off lands and distant cultures.
I am a graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, and hold an MBA in global business from Clark University.
Are you ready to find your North Star?
Join me for a Discovery Call.
Let’s talk about where you are, and where you dream to be.